Wednesday, 10 November 2010

HOW TO KEEP RABBITS - Bunny Rabbit Facts

Want to know more about your bunny and understand him/her better? This short article contains fascinating bunny rabbit facts that every owner should know.

Fact #1: Rabbits are crepuscular (most active at dawn and twilight).

Fact #2: Neither wild nor domestic bunnies hibernate.

Fact #3: A rabbit may tear apart her cage out of mating frustration? If your bunny isn't spayed or neutered, you should get her/him altered as soon as possible.

Fact #4: Bunnies can't throw up. They can gag, but they can't vomit.

Fact #5: Rabbit can snore!

Fact #6: Bunnies can jump 36 inches and higher. Bunnies are excellent at jumping.

Fact #7: Wild bunnies can be found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. (While rabbits are not indigenous to Australia, there IS now a large population of feral rabbits brought to the continent by European ancestors.)

Fact #8: Wild rabbits sleep in burrows.

Fact #9: A group of bunnies is called a herd.

Fact #10: Less than 10 percent of all abandoned wild baby bunnies survive.

We also recommend you to read about "Rabbit Care Secrets", the book with literally hundreds of bunny rabbit facts.

How to keep rabbits Secrets You can get the book here: http://www.rabbitsecrets.com/R.htm is the book with literally hundreds of "word of mouth" tips and tricks - secrets which are next to impossible to find in books and pet stores. This is the gold which only comes from years and years of hands on experience... including all the hard to find Rabbit information people just can't locate with internet searches or trips to the library!

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