Saturday 9 October 2010

Daily Routine For Keeping A Rabbit In The Winter

This was my daily routine for keeping a rabbit that I used to do everyday when I kept 2 rabbits over the winter period when it was at its worst.

In the morning I'd go out and check they had water and food, check if they were still breathing. Feed them then go to work.

When I got back from work I'd check there water and food, Feed them of course, clean the front of the hutch out and top it up with hay in there sleeping area. Cleaning the front of the hutch I'd clear all the droppings and paper and chippings with a dust pan and brush. Place newspaper down then chippings on top and put a handful of meadow hay over the top. Check the sleeping area and top it up with hay.
This all should only take about 5 minutes of your time. During the winter period I would cover the hutch over with an old sleeping bag just for extra comfort.
Of course I did bring them inside for a cuddle now and again just for a bit of a treat and to get them used to you handling them and used to you. Its much easier to do this as they get used to you being around them and aren't so frightened when you go to pick them up

At the end of the week I would let them play in the garden if it wasn't wet or in the house if it was and clean the hutch out totally. The front of the hutch and the sleeping area and spray it with rabbit cleaner, then lay some newspaper and wood chippings in both areas then bang in the hay in the sleeping area and let them bed it in. While they were out I would give them a bit of a groom with a brush just to keep their fur knot free.

You can actually train a rabbit to use a small litter tray in the hutch. A friend of mine actually does this and doesn't have to do as much cleaning in the hutch, so less hassle.

I hope this gives you an insight of what it takes to look after a rabbit and how to go about doing it.

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