Sunday 17 October 2010

Do Rabbits Make Good Pets? 5 Top Reasons Why We Think They Do!

Are you looking at adding a bunny to your household? Keeping rabbits for pets (as compared to breeding, meat or fur) has become hugely popular in the last decade. In fact rabbits are now the third most popular family pet after dogs and cats. It seems the world is finally cottoning on to how intelligent, fun and loving bunnies are.

So, what makes a rabbit such a good pet? Well here are our top 5 reasons:

1. Bunnies are very social

In the wild bunnies live in warrens, or groups. There can be up to 40+ in a warren so your bun is used to having company (but probably not their own bedroom!) Rabbits crave interaction (compare that to cats who are essentially solitary creatures) and if they are handled frequently and gently when they are little will always be happy to interact with you.

Many a rabbit owners tells stories of how their rabbit is very inquisitive and always needs to know what they are up to.

Older rabbits tend to become even more affectionate and companionable as they age and are often content to spend the evening snuggling beside you with a good DVD, especially if it's 'Watership Down' or 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'.

2. They love to play

Bunnies absolutely LOVE to play, possibly more so than any other animal. It doesn't get much better in life than watching a rabbit play. They hide, run, jump and throw their toys in sheer joy.

Bunnies even have a legendary 'jump for joy' called a binkie (or binky) which is where your bunny will jump in the air and twist at the same time. It is amazing to watch and a great sign that your bun is on top of the world.

Laughter is great medicine for all of us and it's a rare person who can watch a bunny at play and not laugh out loud!

3. They are easily litter trained

If you've heard they are hard to litter train then you've been mislead! Rabbits are naturally clean animals and provided you work with their natural instincts to keep clean you will have a toilet trained bun in no time.

4. Rabbits form close bonds with their owners

Years ago rabbits were almost thought of as 'disposable' pets. That they lived outside and weren't really part of the family. Nowadays, particularly as more and more rabbits are becoming inside, house rabbits this isn't the case thankfully.

Owners are quickly realising that they can become very attached to their bunny in the same way they do for a dog or cat and find themselves just as devastated at the loss of a precious pet rabbit.

5. Bunnies are off the scale when it comes to cuteness

OK, so this one is really logical but who can forgive us for adding it in here. Rabbits are very high on the cute scale. Who can resist the snugly, calm and inquisitive Holland Lop or the cuter than a bug and softer than velvet Mini Rex?

So, if you're looking for a new addition to your family maybe it's time to pass on a Fido or Snowball this time and consider making a bunny your new best friend?

Always keep in mind that while keeping rabbits for pets is an amazing experience, bunnies are not low maintenance animals. Please be a responsible owner and do your reasearch first.

Abbey Mitchell is a long-time animal lover and rabbit enthusiast.

Get your FREE copy of her new Pet Rabbit Care Secrets mini course from http://www.RabbitsForPets.com and learn bunny care secrets that you won't find anywhere else on the web.

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