Wednesday 20 October 2010

Rabbit Hutches - What to Buy to Get the Best For Your Rabbit

When you think of a companion for people the first pet that comes to mind is a dog. However, the rabbit is now the third most popular pet in the UK as these can make loveable and wonderful companions for people who take the time to learn about what a rabbit needs. If you treat a rabbit properly, which isn't difficult, these cute creatures can have a life span of 10 years or more.

Some rabbits do not even have rabbit hutches these days and they are as much part of the family as the family dog or cat that roams around the house as it pleases. This is more unusual and most people do tend to keep their rabbit in a rabbit hutch either outside or in the warmth of a shed or conservatory.

Good rabbit hutches are the essential key to keeping your rabbit fit and healthy and if your rabbit hutch is small and dirty and kept at the bottom of the garden in a damp corner it will inevitably lead to an unhealthy rabbit with a short life span.

When you go and look at rabbit hutches it is important to know the rough size of your rabbit as a rabbit will need to be able to sit on its hind legs and stretch itself out. You really just want to buy the biggest hutch that you can afford and that will fit in the area you designate.

When selecting a rabbit hutch it's important to consider the safety of your rabbit; the newer double hutches can have a split level so that during the day a trap door is opened and the rabbit comes down the ramp and into the run under the hutch or outside to a larger run and then at night the trap door is closed leaving the rabbit safely enclosed in the upper hutch and away from any predators. As the hutch is enclosed at the top this will also mean that the rabbit is warmer, you can buy a cover to generate more warmth for your rabbit as well; especially during the winter months. Most hutches nowadays also have sturdy locks and bolts and strong wire mesh which adds further protection.

Position the hutch in an area that won't get too damp or too hot and ideally have the hutch off of the ground to avoid any attack by vermin who are attracted to the warmth in rabbit hutches and also to the food inside.

To maintain the safety and comfort of rabbit hutches it's essential that the hutch is cleaned thoroughly at least once a week and that on a daily basis old food is removed and wet straw bedding is replaced. On an annual basis if your hutch is based outside it is advisable that the hutch is re-stained to protect it from the elements and hinges and locks are lubricated and tightened to prevent rust and damage occurring.

If all of these tips are adhered to then you are well on your way to the start of some happy years with your new pet rabbit. For more information on rabbit hutches you can visit
Article written by Richard Hookings
Giving your rabbit a safer and more comfortable home for a happier and healthier life.

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